Government and Law

Your one-stop source for

California-Related Resources Available on the Internet

Presented by

Randy B. Singer, Esq.

This site is intended to make California’s government and laws more accessable. I would very much appreciate it if visitors to this site would let me know if any of the links are broken, or if you know of updated links or new links for me to add to this page. To send mail to the Webmaster of this site, click here.


State Agencies
Cities and Counties
Local Government
California Constitution
The California Legislature
California Law
Court Opinions
California Lower Courts

State Agencies

List of Government World Wide Web Sites
Office of the Governor
California Home Page (Links to CA government branches and departments.)
Guide to California Officials, Agencies & Laws
CA State Government Web, Gopher Servers and Bulletin Boards
List of all CA Entities on the Internet (alphabetical)
California Electronic Government Information


Cities and Counties

CA State Association of Counties
CA Cities on the Internet (including some counties and regions)
California Virtual Tourist (counties and cities)


Local Government

City of Berkeley
Association of Bay Area Governments
City of West Hollywood
City of Newark
City of San Diego


California Constitution

CA Constitution

Alternate Sites
State Constitution
Constitution Table
Constitution Text


The California Legislature

CA Legislature

State Assembly
Legislative Bill Search
Legislative Bill Search Gopher Service
Legislative Bill Information Archives
Legislative Bill Archives Gopher Service
Legislative FTP Site
Legislative Information
Legislative Information Gopher
Legislative Analyst's Office
1996 California Legislative Report

Chaptered Bills

Pending Senate and Assembly Bills (updated daily)

Bill Tracking Service (Capitol WebWorks/LegWeb - subscription)

(to create a new account) (Free One Month Trial)
(existing account)

Other E-Mail Services Available From the Legislature
CA Senate
CA Senate alternate
CA Senate gopher
CA Assembly
CA Legislative Analyst's Office (state budget)


California Law

CA Codes

CA Statutes from January 1, 1993 - on
Opinions of the U.S. Court of Appeals - Ninth Circuit
U.S. Administrative Office of the Court's Public Access to Court Electronic Records

(60 cents per minute)
Register at: 1-800-676-6856
To access Ninth Circuit docket and rulings once subscribed: 1-415-744-9020

Judicial Council Forms

CA License Handbook (how to get permits and licenses, including incorporation)
Business Permit Assistance Page
State Bar of California
California Rules of Professional Conduct
Listing of California Attorneys

More extensive information is available from Membership Records Department at: 1-415-561-8877

E-Mail Discussion Group for California Attorneys


Court Opinions

California Judicial Branch Information (Supreme, Appeals, municipal, county courts)
State Courts (Judicial Council)
Constitutional Offices & The Judiciary
Opinions of the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal
Opinions of the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal alternate
Securities Class Action Clearinghouse
Judicial Branch State of California
Appellate Counselor



State Codes
Searchable Database of California Codes
State Codes FTP Service (Indexed Alphabetically by Title)
State Codes Gopher Service
Handbook of California Civil Procedure
Workmans Compensation Information


California Lower Courts

All CA Lower Courts
Burbank Municipal Court
Los Angeles Municipal Court
Orange County Superior Court
South Orange County Municipal Court
Sacramento Superior and Municipal Courts
San Francisco Trial Courts
Stanislaus County Superior and Municipal Courts

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If not, shouldn't you make things easier on yourself and switch?

Other Web sites of interest from the Webmaster of this site:

Substantive Law on the World Wide Web

(Quick links to ALL of the caselaw (opinions), statutes, and codes available on the Web. The fastest and most comprehensive resource for doing legal research on the Web!)

Attorney's Toolbox

(Links to Web resources of great value to attorneys and other legal professionals.)


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